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COT Regularity Competitors

Documents, forms and information for COT20 Regularity Competitors, including:

COT Regularity – Event Outline and Information

Everything you always wanted to know about the COT Regularity Rally. But were afraid to ask.

Regularity Docs and Forms

Documents and forms relating to the COT Regularity.

COT Regularity Nominations

A list of teams that have nominated for COT Regularity.

Official Noticeboard

What it says. Official information and bulletins from the COT Clerk of Course. The ONB is for ALL competitions.

Competitor Classifieds

A noticeboard for competitors who want to buy, swap or sell something, or post a message for other COT teams.

Rallysafe Information

Links to guides and videos about installing and using Rallysfe.


Newsletters contain background info in the lead up to the event – competitors and potential competitors will find information that may assist with planning.